At SARKIS+VIDALES we offer the services to regularize, protect, maintain and enforce any right related to intellectual property.
Intellectual property in Mexico is divided into: copyrights (literary, musical, artistic and photographic works, among others) and industrial property (patents and trademarks, or general inventions and registrations).
Security & protection
The Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI), is the legal authority to administer the industrial property system throughout the country, while the National Copyright Institute (INDAUTOR), is the administrative authority that regulates everything related to copyright matters.
to carry out any procedure before the IMPI or INDAUTOR,
highlighting the following:
- Patent or utility model registrations
- Registration of trademarks, commercial notices or any industrial design
- Software registrations
- Administrative Declarations of Infringement for the use of your registrations
- Registration of works and licenses of use
- Authorizations to collecting societies
- Reservation of rights to exclusive use
- Obtaining the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and the International Standard Periodical Number (ISPN)
- Holding of conciliation meetings
- Arbitration proceedings